C-Kur TV launches the first PayTV USB Dongle for Android mobile devices
C-Kur TV Inc. will attend ANGA, Cologne, June 12-14 and Broadcast Asia, Singapore, June 26-28.
In addition to key PayTV projects involving our CI+1.4 CAMs, we will be showcasing our latest addition: the USB PayTV Dongle.
Based on the published CI+ 2.0 specs and adapted to the Android as well as PC environments, it allows PayTV reception and management on mobile devices for any DTT operation (DVB T, T2 or ISDBt), be it FTA or - and this is the key innovation - protected by a CAS.
The beta testing phase looks promising and we are now looking ahead at establishing Proof-Of-Concept deployments with operators in Europe and South East Asia. We want to thank our partners (Sony for the demod/tuner chipset in particular) for their support and constant support in developing this breakthrough technology.
Let's schedule a meeting and see you at the shows!