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C-Kur TV's ProCAMs reach 32 simultaneous descrambling!
Our lab test confirm what we were theoretically expecting: our chipset can handle the descrambling of up to 32 services in a stable...
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C-Kur TV adds Forensic Watermarking to CI CAMs, thus further enhancing operators’ anti-piracy option
C-Kur TV launches the first PayTV USB Dongle for Android mobile devices
C-Kur TV's ProCAMs reach 32 simultaneous descrambling!
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Panaccess GmbH and C-Kur TV Inc. announce their first collaboration with C-Kur TV supplying CI+1.4 C
C-Kur TV adds Forensic Watermarking to CI CAMs, thus further enhancing operators’ anti-piracy option
C-Kur TV launches the first PayTV USB Dongle for Android mobile devices
C-Kur TV's ProCAMs reach 32 simultaneous descrambling!
C-Kur TV's CAM passed Eurofins CI+1.4 tests
C-Kur TV Inc. partners with 4 CAS vendors in pre-launch blitz
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C-Kur TV adds Forensic Watermarking to CI CAMs, thus further enhancing operators’ anti-piracy option
C-Kur TV launches the first PayTV USB Dongle for Android mobile devices
C-Kur TV's ProCAMs reach 32 simultaneous descrambling!
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